On your browser go to GitHub and create the new Repo. On the main page of the repo will be a little box giving you an SSH URL like git@github.com:cisc474/stupid-simple-multi-page-example.git Copy it to your clipboard Go to the directory you want to push to github. Type: git init (this makes that directory a git maintained directory) Then type: git remote add origin git@github.com:cisc474/stupid-simple-multi-page-example.git (Make the URL the one you copied and pasted a bit ok.) then for each file you want to add type git add blah.js or git add *.js or git add *.* or git add . (the whole directory you are in) or git add public (some subdirectory) git commit -am "First commit" git push origin master If it complains about needing to pull then do git pull origin master then maybe save their merge message then git push origin master if it complains about your SSH key then add your SSH key to your github account followed by the above step (git push origin master) Refresh your github repo and rejoice If you don't want to type origin master every time there is a command like '--set-upstream-to' which will make git push and git pull automatically head to origin master